What is project management?
Project management describes the coordination and control of all elements that contribute to achieving a project's goals.
Project management is a systematic process that includes the entirety of management tasks, organization, techniques, and resources that serve to carry out a project. It means that the organization, planning, monitoring, and control of the tasks and resources are part of the project management, and the project manager directs these. Keeping an overview of the individual tasks is the most important thing here. A project is usually worked on in a team. Working in isolation as a project manager is simply impossible in this profession because communication and transparency are particularly important in project management.
It is primarily about coordinating all processes that a company has to deal with during the course of a project. The project is structured in such a way that a systematic approach is possible, and the planning and monitoring of individual processes become more straightforward. Project management includes the management and coordination in all areas of the project, i.e., the definition, planning, control, and the achievement of the desired goals. Through professional project management, project organization and teamwork are optimized in equal measure to promote goal-oriented and effective work. Project management can be divided into four phases.
The four phases of project management
The four phases of project management are structured as follows:
Definition: The project is analyzed, goals are set (factual, deadline, cost targets), areas of activity, and responsibility are defined; the required resources are determined.
Planning: After an order has been placed, the project manager and team are determined. Detailed planning: The project is divided into sub-projects and work steps are determined. The end of a sub-unit is called a milestone. Precise planning of the resources and a cost plan arise. During planning, the project team specifies the project content.
Implementation: The project manager monitors the process; in the event of any deviations, the project plan must be revised and checked. After planning, the implementation of the project begins. The project manager controls the implementation. The plan consists of its gradual implementation. It takes place in four stages, which are:
1. determining the resources necessary to implement the plan,
2. division of tasks between individual team members,
3. development of a work schedule taking into account five project parameters (scope, quality, cost, time and resources),
4. performing individual activities according to the plan.
Conclusion: After the final result has been accepted, the entire project process is analyzed and checked. For example, points such as process design, planning, and conflict resolution are taken into account. The next project process can be optimized through close observation when the project is completed.
In a large project, transparency and communication in the team are particularly important, as this is the only way to ensure a planned process and mutual achievement of goals.
this article, we introduced you to the essential phases of
project management. We hope that this text's information will help you
successfully implement the business projects you will manage.